Sunday, September 16, 2012

His&Her Q & A

His&Her Q&A

How did your other half make you feel loved this past week?
His: She emptied the Dishwasher, and folded the laundry after I washed it.
Her: He did a load of my laundry (jeans were really dirty and needed to be washed) while I went to Bible Study. Now, we don't have a washing machine in our apartment, so he had to walk back and forth to our complex's laundry room. And it's been very hot this week.

What was your biggest hobby as a little kid?
His: I liked making up stories, but I never wrote them down or anything. I once made a comic, and I have no clue where it went.
Her: Hobbies? I enjoyed coloring, barbies and hot wheels. Not sure if those are considered hobbies though.

What about the world makes you sad?
His: How people always think that someone is out to get them. People are so quick to play the victim all the time that they overlook people that are actually hurting. It actually ticks me off how people stand up for causes that affect them and think they are standing up for some greater cause, but in reality they are just standing up for their own selfish needs. There is a world outside of yourself.
Her: That people believe there's not something greater than us. That there's no God. How can you look at the beauty in the world around us, the infinite universe, the people we love and believe that this is it? That this just all happens to be here?

What about the world makes you happy?
His: As much as I don't like what's wrong with the world, people are surprising sometimes at how much they can think of others. Whenever someone goes out of their way for someone else, when they have nothing to gain for it, it just shows me that people can be selfless, and that good people do exist.
Her: Love.

What is your current favorite song? (Post youtube links/videos if possible!)
His: Itchin' on a Photograph- Grouplove
Her: Big Parade - The Lumineers

If you weren't currently married/dating your other half, where do you think you would you be? (I don't know is not allowed!)
His: Probably still in school, hoping to meet some cute looking girl who I could spend the rest of my life with (I'm such a girl).
Her: That's hard to say. I've been with Sam since before I even graduated high school, so I never really pictured a life without him. I may have applied at jobs around California after college. Maybe I would be in San Jose with Valarie because I'm sure I would have given in to her shameless strategies at trying to convince me to move up there.

What is your favorite outdoor activity?
His: I stay indoors all the time. Just kidding. I like camping. But I haven't been camping in years. *hint hint*
Her: Yard sales! Farmers Markets! -- Goodness, I sound old.

What was your favorite memory from the wedding celebration/reception? (NOT THE CEREMONY. If not married yet- what do you most look forward to about your wedding celebration/reception?)
His: It's a toss up from when I told Michelle that I forgot my vows in my other pants, and when I told Michelle that I left my Passport in Fresno. (And she still married me!)
Her: Well since the obvious answer would involve Sam, I'm going to say the "Dollar/Money Dance."  I know some find it tacky, but I found it to be a great Blessing. It has actually nothing to do with the money (it could have been Monopoly money for all I care), but it gave me the chance to talk with so many of our guests on a one-on-one basis. I know that would have never happened otherwise.

What are some traditions that you now share together?
His: Every Christmas we buy a new Christmas Ornament. First year was National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, and the second year we got a Charlie Brown one. Both make my heart smile.
Her: Traditions? I'm not sure we really have any yet. My family has never really been the tradition type, so who knows.

What was your favorite thing that you did this summer?
His: You mean summer is over? It's still 100 degrees outside!!
Her: Summer Wedding Rush! Well, that's what I called it. Sam and I attended five weddings over the Summer. Also, my trip to LA with Angelica to see Nick Waterhouse! It was a good Summer indeed.

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