Tuesday, September 11, 2012

His&Her Q & A

His&Her Q&A

What is something you're scared of?
His: My wife when she's hungry.
Her: Snakes. Spiders.

What is a household chore you HATE doing?
His: I hate cleaning up after cooking.
Her: Dishes.... that still have food on them. Ick.

What is something you feel guilty about or wish you had done better this week?
His: I've been lacking in the discipline department this week. I didn't get up early much, and I didn't read my Bible as much either. I also haven't read as much of book I'm reading right now, and I've been cheating on my diet. Usually when one part suffers, everything else follows.
Her: So many things. I've been sick, so I wish I would have done better at getting better!

Who is your celebrity girl crush? (Yes both of you say what girl celebrity you're crushing on)
His: Christina Hendricks and Jennifer Lawrence. I'm pretty sure they could both beat me up.
Her: Christina Hendricks and Scarlett Johanson.

Future son's name?
His: Malachi, Uriah, Obadiah, or August.
Her: Boys names? I have a bunch of girls names that I like. But boys? Habakkuk. Okay, not really.  I'm going to go with Peter Adam. Peter Adam Lopez = PAL

How did you two meet? (Tell your own versions.)
His: She lived across the street, but we mostly talked on AIM.
Her: The Boy next door! Well... across the street. We got to know each other through church. He was a stand up guy!

Describe a typical day in your life. (Weekday.)
His: I wake up around 6:00 or so. Get up, do all that bathroom stuff (brush teeth, shower, shave, other stuff), and then get dressed for work. Once I'm ready for work, I sit down with a cup of coffee (the Time is set for 6:00 every morning) and either read my Bible, another book, or or write something. After Michelle has left for work, I'll pack my lunch and leave for work. I'll show up around 8:30, and earn my paycheck by filing paperwork, answering phones, putting schedules together, and trying to make as many people laugh as I can. Around 5:00, I clock out and head home. I'll change out of my work clothes and usually into jeans and a t-shirt. I get working on dinner, eat with the wife, clean up, and then spend the rest of the night either watching something on TV, reading, and/or surfing the internet, sometimes with a small glass of  Bourbon. Then I get ready for bed, turn off all the lights, and if I forget to kiss Michelle goodnight, she'll usually remind me at the moment I get comfortable in bed.
Her: Wakey Wakey! Very reluctantly roll out of bed, then I get dressed and get to work. Listening to music on my way to work with the windows rolled down is my favorite. I get to work usually around 8:07 and make my way over to my small space in this crowded place. Workity Work, Typity Type. Issue this policy, order this inspection... insurance talk, insurance talk. Go home. If it's Tuesday or Wednesday, I work on the Church bulletin.  Design this, design that... InDesign, Photoshop. You know the drill. Dinner time! Relax, clean up, bug the husband... :) Showertime! .... Bedtime! Usually watch some sort of TV show. Currently, it's Fraiser! Sleepytime... ZZZZzzzzzz...

What would you like to do when you retire?
His: I'd like to own a small business. Maybe a coffee/sandwich shop. Continue to write. Have a few books published. People who have read my books would come in, I'd pour them a cup of coffee, and we'd talk about life.
Her: Travel. I really want to Travel. Help Sam out with this business we'll own. I'm hoping for a Coffee shop!

What is a talent you wish you were better at?
His: Cars. Whenever I pop the hood of my car, I really have no clue what I'm looking at. Mainly I'm checking to see if any once living creatures got stuck in anything.
Her:  Photography. I do the best I can, but I wish I had more time to invest into it and make it more than just a hobby. I also wish I could play a musical instrument.

Describe your other half in 3 words.
His: Caring. Contagious. Cute.
Her: Generous. Friendly. Handsome.

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