Thursday, October 18, 2012

Coffee Talk Thursday!

Coffee Talk with Natalie Blair

I have somehow went through Starbucks every Thursday on my way work, without realizing it was Coffee Talk day! Today, it was an iced non-fat Caramel Macchiato. I had a gift card given to me from my oh-so-wonderful mom. Figured it was time to put it to good use! Well, the coffee is long gone, but now it's time to blog!

1. Let's talk about ink: Do you have tattoos? How many?? 

I am tattoo-less. I'm a huge wimp.  Seriously. You need my blood? Better bring out a vampire because no needle will come near me. Now, I heard somewhere that their tattoos were licked on by kittens? Now that might be something I can get on board with! :)

2. Let's talk about hair styles: Bangs, do you have them, want them, or trying to grow them out? What about side bangs? 

I had bangs when I was kid up until the middle of high school. You know, when bangs weren't cool. Then I grew them out and would like some again, but my hair gets so greasy that it's probably not an option. I had some side, swoopy bangs at one point, but they just got annoying.

3. Let's talk about work: Without getting specific with a company name, what do you do? What did you want to be when you grew up when you were young? 

Just a small town journalism girl, living in an insurance world. I went to school for journalism, then found nothing after I graduated in town. Shocker, right? Not really. A couple I went to church with own an insurance business, and hired me on! HUGE thanks to Facebook! They would have never known I needed a job if it weren't for that social media outlet.

Anyway, I do mostly administrative duties. They throw in some marketing stuff for me to do too so I can do something that's semi-related to my BA. I was also recently moved up to the front desk. I kinda love it! I have all these windows -- so much sunlight! I'm known as "Director of First Impression." Pretty awesome name if I do say so myself. 

4. Let's talk about friends: Do you find it easier or more difficult to meet new friends as an adult? Do you have what you'd consider 'blog friends'? What about IRL (in real life) friends?

Definitely harder! Especially moving from one town to another where you don't know anyone! I'm not even outgoing to begin with. I made about two good friends at my State college; one I see on a regular basis and talk to every day while the other I see on occasion. It's actually both their birthdays today... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELICA AND KRISTIN! And of course, I have met some friends from my church... but that's it. And I'm perfectly fine with that! Love the few people I have met and am blessed to have them in my life.

5. Let's talk about Social media: Android or iPhone? Twitter or Facebook?

I've never had an Android or an iPhone. I'm hoping to get an iPhone 5 soon here though. My husband has an Android and I've played on it a bunch of times. No complaints there!

Twitter or Facebook... well, I love both of them! I use them for different things though. Facebook I use for more personal use. It's great to keep updated on friends that live out of town. As for Twitter, I use to it keep updated on news and pop culture. I follow friends on it, but that's not my main use. I love Twitter because there are so many different active profiles that I love. I also love that you can follow actual celebrities who update their own page. It's really neat! Favorites? I love Ben Savage and Zach Braff.

Feel free to follow my social media pages ... they're buttons are the left!

Have a great week!


  1. It is VERY hard finding friends when you are older. Everyone is too afraid to socialize now. UGH!

    Get a tattoo! It's worth it dear!!

    Thanks for linking up with me again :)

  2. That "licked on by kittens" quote is from 'Friends.' Rachel says it to Phoebe when Phoebe is being a tattoo wuss.

    1. Duuuhhh... I can't believe I didn't realize that when I was typing it. Thanks for reminding me! I only own all the seasons and have watched them a bunch of times. Guess it's been a while since I've seen that one!

  3. Found you from the linky. You`ve never had an android or iphone? Crazy! Well I`ve had an Android for a few years now, and let me just say you are going in the right direction with the iphone. ☺

    1. Well, thanks for stopping by! :)

      Hahaha no super smart phone for me. Last upgrade, I couldn't afford it. Now I am sooo ready for one!
