Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274 & 275: 365 Project

Magnificent Maker - Music - Mustaches - Memories

I know I'm weeks behind, but a few weeks ago, Sam and I made our way to Hollywood to see David Crowder Band in its final tour.

I didn't even realize how much David Crowder Band's music has had on me until that night. It was so sad that that night would be the last time I enjoy their music in that way. It was my third or fourth time dancing and praising God to their music in a room filled with others doing the exact same thing. I'm not going to lie, for the most part, Christian music isn't that great. It can be boring, and not challenging in the least. David Crowder is one of the bands that stepped outside the box and turned Christian music into something fun and spiritual.

I think the best moment of the show was when John Mark McMillan came out and took the mic while David Crowder was singing How He Loves Us. For those who don't know, How He Loves Us is originally John Mark's song, but David Crowder is the one who made it famous. It was even better when they sang the line "sloppy wet kisses" instead of "unforeseen kiss." Don't you just love John Mark's incredibly deep voice too??

I wish I could have videotaped the entire thing, but since we were in the middle of the crowd, and I'm short, my arm was killing me. Watching it again still gives me chills. The only downside of the concert was that we weren't super close. I hate being short and being at concerts where you stand up the entire time. We were standing for over six hours. I think my feet might still be recovering. Wouldn't trade it for anything though.

While we were waiting in line, we saw Crowder about the cross the street. I felt like I was apart of TMZ or something at this point.

After much standing in line, and then standing around inside the Hollywood Palladium, John Mark McMillan. He's the second main reason we went to the show.

Next, Chris August came on stage. He was a snazzy dresser! Definitely the snazziest there. He was so funny, and seemed like a really nice, down-to-earth fello. He also put on a wonderful set.

Next was Gungor. I'd never even heard of them before, but the music these few people put together was incredible! And to think that this was just their "acoustic" set. The man below with the cello is also a beat boxer.  Apparently, he's been on The Sing-Off, so that's pretty cool.

After three wonderful talents, David Crowder band came on. He's the strangest looking man with a huge heart.

And yes, that's a keytar. I only wish I had a picture of him playing the Guitar Hero guitar. Yes, one of the guys in the band actually programmed a Guitar Hero guitar to play actual music. If that's not extremely awesome and nerdy, I don't know what is.

Everybody praising and lifting their hands! Dance party!

And if the concert wasn't already amazing, it was time for some bluegrass. What fun!

The odds of a show having four bands, and each band being spectacular, is unlikely. I couldn't believe great the show was in its entirety. A night of worshiping the God who created it all, that I'll never forget.

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