Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1: 365 Project

Happy New Year!

What is the 365 Project? I'm happy you asked! The definition is different for everyone, but for me it's simple: A picture a day. Easier than it sounds, I'm sure of it, but I'm up for the challenge! I'll also write a short blog/caption to go along with the picture to explain why I took it and what it is.

Well, since today is the first day of the year, that means it's my first day to post a picture. Now, I'm just warning you because these pictures may not always be very creative and look pretty. They may just be random sightings of weird things I see throughout my day. Other times, I'm hoping to be more creative.

And I'm sure there will be days that I miss because that's life. For every day that I miss though, I plan to post that many pictures in my next post.

Goal: 365 pictures by December 31, 2011

Now, you'll have to excuse me for the first day. I had planned to post a picture from New Years, but when looking through the pictures I realized that I didn't take most of them and the picture should be of something I took a picture of.

So this is what I'm giving you:

Note: This picture is supposed to be horizontal, but for some reason Blogspot decided to change it and won't let me change it back.

Anyway, these are my sparkly nails to start the New Year! I'm not very good at painting nails as you can see because I can't sit long enough to wait for them to dry. I still like the sparkles a lot though.

If you would like to see what all this is about and are considering joining in the photo-rific fun, then please visit the 365 Project website.

If you sign up, please follow me! Here's my link:

See you for Day 2!

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