Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 245 & 246: 365 Project

The first thought that comes mind when I hear "Marzipan" is Homestar Runner. If you have no idea what or who that is, then please go check out When I was in high school, I spent a lot of time on this website.

Anyway, I first heard of Marzipan, the candy, on Gilmore Girls (where else?!)...

Let me set up the scene:

[Lorelai and Rory and eating dinner at Richard and Emily's house]
RORY: Is there dessert?
EMILY: Yes, and we have a special surprise for you for dessert. We brought it back from Switzerland.
LORELAI: We're getting a mountain goat?
RICHARD: This is better than a goat.
EMILY: Let's go into the living room.
RORY: Dessert from Switzerland.
LORELAI: The land of chocolate.
RORY: Yum!
RICHARD: You two are going to love this.
LORELAI: Is it as good as Toblerone?
RICHARD: Oh, it's better than Toblerone.
[They walk to the living room. The maid sets the dessert tray on the coffee table]
LORELAI: Whoa, what is that?
EMILY: It's marzipan.
RORY: Marzipan?
RICHARD: The finest marzipan in all of Europe. Made by cloistered nuns.
EMILY: We toured their cloister, it was right out of "The Sound of Music."
LORELAI: What happened to the chocolate?
EMILY: What chocolate?
LORELAI: You compared it to zzToblerone - that's chocolate.
RICHARD: You brought up Toblerone. I just said it was better than that because I think it is.
EMILY: Marzipan is candy. You like candy.
LORELAI: Marzipan is not candy. It is a unique substance unto itself, like Velveeta or plutonium.

Well, when Sam and I were heading up to San Jose last a couple weekends ago, we stopped by Casa de Fruta. We went into a candy store looking for a chocolate covered strawberry. Yes, they're wonderful there. Well, we found the strawberry there along with marzipan. I needed to see if was as disgusting as I've heard.

See.. doesn't it look tasty? Yeah, well, it's not.

Marzipan: Something that should be enjoyed by sight, not by taste. -- At least that's my definition. 
It's a "treat" made of mostly sugar and Almond Meal.

 If nothing else, just seems like a foreign type of fondant,  but much worse.

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