Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217 & 218: 365 Project

I was looking through some of my photos and realized I never posted pictures from my stalking adventures, ahem, I mean, when some friends and I went to a Fresno Grizzlies Game and saw Mister Ben Savage.

It was truly a great experience. It was a lot of fun. He's probably the most "famous" person I've met. I grew up watching Shawn and Cory get into trouble, Topanga and Cory fall in love, Eric's silliness and his compassion, and I watched them graduate and go off to college. I always enjoyed the later seasons more and in October, I'll finally be able to complete my Boy Meets World collection.

With that being said, I was super excited when I found out that Ben Savage would be the celebrity at The Grizzlies "Mad Tight 90s Night Meets World," back in May. 

I've only ever been to a couple baseball games in my life. Sports events aren't exactly where you'll regularly find me. The only reason I went to so many football games in high school was to hang out with my friends (most of them were in band). 

He did some quiz stuff on the show. 

Seriously... not a stalker.

I was just going to post a couple of pictures from our "photoshoot," but these are all way too awesome not to post!

We waited in line for a while. Wasn't too bad though. He was the reason I was there so of course I was willing to wait in a long line. We were toward the back of the line, so once we got up to the front, they had just cut off taking pictures with him. I was pretty angry, but felt bad for him because he looked tired and hot (it was really warm in there). He was nice though! I got an autograph. Would have rather had a picture, but I'll take what I can get. 

It was a fun night with those girls, baseball and meeting Ben Savage!

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