Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Doggie Day 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290 & 291: 365 Project

On Saturday, Angelica, her momma and I went Fresno's fifth annual Pooch Parade in The Tower District. It was so much fun! Now, I don't have a furry friends at home, so it's a lot of fun seeing the cuties run around all dressed up for Halloween.

People got really creative!

 One of the best parts of the entire thing was that they decided to put the dog grass next to the Porta Potty. Pure brilliance!

We walked around and scoped out the cutest doggies. We found Beethoven! Not only just one, but two!

And here we have the ever so angry-looking, and always lovely Pocahontas. 

This next one was my favorite. He was so very cute! Not sure why they put a boy puppy in a yellow dress and butterfly wings though. Either way, I wanted to take him home with me.

There was even a float contest! This person won first place last year and was to try to win again with a really creepy float and an adorable wienie dog.

There was even Mario, Luigi, and Mushroom!

 Then we came across more wienie dogs! Angelica was in Dachshund Heaven! I was going to say she was in wienie heaven, but figured that would be inappropriate.  Let's see, here we have a cowboy, an Indian and an Egyptian Princess.

This little guy was a Raider's player and couldn't even see it seemed. Still cute!

Then we went to Irene's before the Parade to get get some lunch. The lady there actually recognized us. Guess we go there too often. Still home to the best cheese burger I've ever had.

After lunch, we went to see where to stand to get the best view of those in the parade.

I loved the bad witch and Dorothy!

The Flower Float with a Bumble Bee and Lady Bug.

And I'm pretty sure this puppy must have been some unique breed because I've never seen a dog with a cuter face.

We didn't stay to see who won or anything, but it was such a fun afternoon. I loved seeing all the dressed up doggies and their families. So many got so creative, and I look forward to going next year.

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