Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 301: 365 Project

My day of birth was today, well, in 1987 ... 11:40 a..m. to be exact.
It was a fantastic day.

I worked until noon like I always do. I received three cards and a Regal gift card. Everyone at work is so generous!

Then I drove to Visalia to meet my mom, sister and grandma for lunch. Well, it was a late lunch at Mimi's Cafe. While I waited for them to arrive, I went to Hobby Lobby. I was in there for about an hour and still only managed to look at a fourth of the store. I love that place.

Lunch was tasty. Got some sort of turkey, bacon, avocado and pesto sandwich. Toward the end of our lunch, Stacie was telling us some crazy stories about what people want to return to Kohl's (underwear, used memory foams, etc). It was awful, we were laughing so hard. That's when some lady (60s or 70s) decided that she would inform us that what we were discussing was "not suitable dinner conversation," but she didn't want to ruin our fun. I really wanted to say, "Well then stop eavesdropping on our conversation." I've heard worse in restaurants!

Anyway, I made my way back to Fresno and Sam came home from work. Then we went to Dennys to get me my free birthday Grand Slam.

I got pumpkin pancakes (AMAZING!), hash browns, eggs and sausage. All of it was so very good.

After dinner, we ran a couple errands then came home and are watching Storage Wars on Netflix.

I was also overwhelmingly blessed by everyone's Happy Birthday wishes. Thank you so much!
Overall, it's been a fantastic start to my 24th year.

1 comment:

  1. ...That's when some lady (60s or 70s) decided that she would inform us that what we were discussing was "not suitable dinner conversation," but she didn't want to ruin our fun. I really wanted to say, "Well then stop eavesdropping on our conversation."

    She probably would have said, "WRONG ANSWER!"


    Glad you had a great birthday! :D
