Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 276: 365 Project

I think I was a senior in high school when I got my first cell phone. I've had a total of five cell phones. The one in stars was my very first cell phone. I found it at my mom's house while rummaging through some things. Look at it compared to my newest phone! The screen on my blackberry is nearly the size of my very first phone. 

My second phone was a black and silver flip phone. I sure did love that phone, but it had one too many falls and I ended up with a blackjack. My blackjack was my next pick and was the same color as my Blackberry. I loved that phone. It decided to randomly stop all my ring tones from working. When I asked them to replace it, they first blamed it on the water damage my phone had. Soo.. water damage that only affects my ring tones? Hm. Then, without thinking, I had told them that I downloaded ring tones from a "third party" ... but a year prior. Ah, that was the reason why my phone stopped working. Must be one of those viruses that stay in your phone for a year before they activate. Yeah, that makes sense. With the risk of this happening again, I went with the Propel phone. A phone I didn't like and when my contract was up, I got a Blackberry.

I do love my blackberry. One of my favorite things about it is that it's touchscreen, but also has a full slide out keyboard. It has its quirks, but I still love it.

Yes, I'm making my way through my 365 project with the most random posts.... Enjoy!

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