Thursday, May 5, 2011

Day 125: 365 Project

Well, I was asked if I was interested in cleaning someone's house on Monday for a couple hours. A coworker of a friend of mine was moving and wanted the house clean for the new owners. Monday morning, I got together all my cleaning supplies and went over there. I was there for maybe three hours. The house really wasn't too bad. The floors in the Kitchen and Living Room were really dusty, but still wasn't too bad.

Anyway, the lady whose house it was offered me nine fish bowls. At first, I partially declined because I had no idea what to do with them. Eventually I decided to take them because I thought that someone I know would want them or I could sell them. I brought them home and Sam and I cleaned them all up. They were really dirty since they had been sitting in the garage.... for who knows how long. She said they were from the wedding, but I don't know when she got married. They're really nice! Sam and I are keeping one because we might get a fishy sometime soon. And my friend Sharon is taking one. I bagged up the remaining seven and they're sitting in my trunk to take with me to Porterville this weekend.

That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.

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