Thursday, December 16, 2010

The coming year

I never usually make resolutions. I always view them as promises you make, but end up breaking. Just never really understood them. There's the classics: lose weight, read my Bible more, less sweets, learn something new, spend more time with my family, or just read more in general. Those would be great things, if people actually stuck to them.

This year, I'm going to actually make some. I'm no longer in school so I would like to make some goals for myself, even if they aren't super significant. And in a year, I'm going to come back to this post and see how well I stuck to them. Here's my resolution list as it stands right now:

1. A friend of mine posted a link to the 365 project website. I thought this would be something really fun to do, especially since I already love taking pictures. I plan to take a picture a day, of anything really, whether it's with a camera or just with my phone. I'll probably post it on my blog and write a little something about the picture, probably why I took it and explain what it is. If you're interested, you should join me.

2. Now that I'm not in school anymore, I want to read more. I won't have any studying or mandatory readings for any of my classes, so reading for pleasure will be fun. I'll probably just start with the goal of reading one book a month and see where it goes. If I read more, then great, but by the end of the year I want to have read 12 books. I know some of the books I would like to read: All the Dexter books, the rest of my Nicholas Sparks collection, Almost Moon by Alice Sebold and Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. Adding these books all together, it's more than 12, but if you have any suggestions then please let me know! I'd love to hear them.

3. I follow this blog, The Generous Wife. Sometimes it has really useful information, and sometimes not. But she posted something a few days ago that I thought was a wonderful idea. Have you seen these?

What you do is every time you think of a blessing, or something good happens, or maybe even something bad that happens to you, but you see it as a blessing write it down then put it in the jar. At the end of the year, open the jar up and read all of them inside. I think would be a lot of fun and remind you of all the great things that happened to you throughout the year. This is something that I plan to do (hopefully Sam will join me!). I encourage you to do it also.

And on a side note, I plan to write in my blog more often. Not a resolution because I know it'll happen because it's already started and I've only been out of school for one day.

Share your resolutions!
Have a blessed weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your blog!! I am happy you've decided to partake in the 365. Others of my friends have done that and it is truly entertaining to watch! So I look forward to seeing your pictures.

    That is a really good idea about the Blessings Jar! What a great way to remain thankful and also remember the positive in your year!!!

    -Ashley (paintedflowers on LJ and Love_isyours on Twitter)
